Veja lista com os vídeos mais vistos no Youtube de 2011

Vídeos mais vistos do YouTube Globalmente (Excluindo Videos De grandes gravadoras):

1. Rebecca Black – Friday (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
2. Ultimate Dog Tease
3. Jack Sparrow (feat. Michael Bolton)
4. Talking Twin Babies – PART 2 – OFFICIAL VIDEO
5. Nyan Cat [original]
6. Look At Me Now – Chris Brown ft. Lil Wayne, Busta Rhymes (Cover by @KarminMusic)
7. The Creep (feat. Nicki Minaj & John Waters)
8. Maria Aragon – Born This Way (Cover) by Lady Gaga
9. The Force: Volkswagen Commercial
10. Cat mom hugs baby kitten

Videos Mais assistidos de grandes gravadoras globais:

1. Jennifer Lopez – On The Floor ft. Pitbull
2. LMFAO – Party Rock Anthem ft. Lauren Bennett, GoonRock
3. Bruno Mars – The Lazy Song [Official Video]
4. Nicki Minaj – Super Bass
5. Pitbull – Give Me Everything ft. Ne-Yo, Afrojack, Nayer
6. Pitbull – Rain Over Me ft. Marc Anthony
7. Jessie J – Price Tag ft. B.o.B.
8. LMFAO – Sexy and I Know It
9. Katy Perry – E.T. ft. Kanye West
10. Katy Perry – Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)

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