Dirty Mind música inédita de 3OH!3

Ouça nova música do grupo 3OH!3:

Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind, D-D-D-D-Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind
D-D-D-D-Dirty Mind
I tried to leave the house, but she won’t let me out
(…) to the couch
She’s got a dirtier mind down my mounth (?)
But I hate say, the more you fuck, it better for your healthy
She wants me at the party,
She wants me at the mall,
She wants me in the bathroom store (2x)
Hey you, I know what you’re gonna do
I wanna be the person that you do it too
Hey you,
I wanna be the person you do, you do, you do, you do, you do
Hey you, I know what you’re gonna do
I wanna be the person that you do it too
Hey you,
I wanna be the person you do, you do, you do, you do
Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind D-D-D-D-Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind
She just wants to fuck me all the time
Time, Time, Time, All The Time (3x)
She just wants to fuck me all the time…
Of course, I’m not mad about too much sex
I’m mad because I gotta be home by six
Just because she learned the new posi…SEAN
Fuck it, let’s do it in the kitchen
She wants me at the party,
She wants me at the mall,
She wants me in the bathroom store (2x)
Hey you, I know what you’re gonna do
I wanna be the person that you do it too
Hey you,
I wanna be the person you do, you do, you do, you do, you do
Hey you, I know what you’re gonna do
I wanna be the person that you do it too
Hey you,
I wanna be the person you do, you do, you do, you do
Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind D-D-D-D-Dirty Mind,
Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind
She just wants to fuck me (She’s got a)
Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind D-D-D-D-Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind
She just wants to fuck me all the time
Time, Time, Time, All The Time (3x)
She just wants to fuck me all the time
D-D-D-Dirty, Dirty, Dirty, D-D-Dirty, Dirty-y-y Mind (2x)
Mind, Mind, Mind, Mind, Mind, Mind, Mind…
Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind D-D-D-D-Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind
She just wants to fuck me (She’s got a)
Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind D-D-D-D-Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind, Dirty Mind
She just wants to fuck me all the time, time, time

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