Ke$ha - U Better Know (Inédita)

Ouça mais uma música inédita da cantora:

I don't know what you expected to find
Here after all
Someone you remember leavin' behind
I'm not that girl!
So many silent words I'm just learning to say
You cannot break me like you broke me down, yesterday
You better know just what you came here for
Yeah, you better know you can't intoxicate me like you did before
Say my love is not a game that you'll play
Better prove it or get walkin away
If you don't care how I feel
I'll find someone who will
If you're thinkin you can turn back the clock
Don't waste your time
If you're pretending to be someone your not
I'll read your mind
So many pieces of me fallin' into place
It feels so good to stand up for myself, face to face
You better know just what you came here for
Yeah, you can't intoxicate me, underestimate me anymore
Say my love is not a game that you'll play (no-aoh!)
Better prove it or get walkin away! (oh-oh!)
If you don't care how I feel
I'll find someone who will
I'm not convinced that you can keep it together
Make me believe it's real or it's for never
Fool me once and I'm as blind as can be
Fool me twice and the joke is on me
But I'll be watching every breath that you breathe
You better know just what you came here for
Yeah, you can't intoxicate me, hyperventilate me anymore
Say my love is not a game that you'll play (no-aoh!)
Better prove it or get walkin away (oh-oh!)
If you don't care how I feel
You better know I will

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